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Szovátai Medve tó

A Medve tó a világ legnagyobb heliotermikus tava. Hossza 306 m, szélessége 182 m, kerülete 900 m, felülete 40 235 négyzetméter, legnagyobb mélysége 18,10 m, sókoncentrációja 250 g/l. Főként nőgyógyászati problémák, meddőség, mozgásszervi panaszok, ideggyógyászati problémák kezelésére ajánlott. 

Szovátai Medve tó

Bear Lake

Bear-Lake came to existence on 27th May, 1875 due to belowground karst development. It is heliothermic - a lake heated by the sun, that stores this heat.
It is highly recommended especially for the treatment of gyneological complaints, infertility, locomotor disorders and neurological problems. The Days of Bear-Lake are held on the last weekend of May on a yearly basis.

Came to existence on 27th May, 1875 due to belowground karst development. It is heliothermic – a lake heated by the sun, that stores this heat; 306 m long, 182 m wide, with a perimeter of 900 m and a surface of 40 235 square meters having its deepest point at 18.10 m, and a salt concentration of 250 g/l. It is highly recommended especially for the treatment of gynecological complaints, infertility, locomotor disorders and neurological problems.
The Days of Bear-Lake are held on the last weekend of May on a yearly basis.

At the origin of these lakes stood salt. Due to dissolving processes dolines and karst poljes (fields) came to existence, creeks disappeared below the ground, intermittent lakes saw daylight. Man also contributed to the origin of some of them.

Next to the Bear-Lake, lakes Negru (Black), Aluniş (Nut), Roşu (Red), Verde (Green) and Mierlei (Thrush) should be mentioned as well, having a mud layer in the bottom which, used as mask, has curative effects. A true curiosity here, in the homeland of salt is the fresh water of lakes Paraschiva and Dulce (Sweet)

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Lakes in Szeklerland

Zetea Dam
0:00 - 24:00

Zetea Dam

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